Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Friday, September 11, 2009

I will always be there for you

I can't remember who said it or what the circumstance was but in the last day or so I heard someone say, "I will always be there for you." As I'm listening to stories on the radio late at night to lull me into sleep and hanging out in the library or the employment division, there are a number of possibilities as to where it came from.
But that phrase: I will always be there for you. Doesn't it sound like a vow? Like a promise to be made with witnesses? It was so great. So great that hearing the words is what stuck in my mind. I am positive that it was not being said to me but I can imagine more than one person who might say it to me. Lucky me.
Who would you be there for? I think that my mom is the first one who comes to mind for me. My siblings, the next generation of nieces and nephews . . . it all depends on the specific relationship that I have with them.
Isn't it easier to think about who you would be there for as oppossed to who you think might be there for you?
The real test of confidence.