Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunday in St. Johns

I've been waiting for the sun to shine all week and now that it's out, I'm in. I'm having a heartache complete with pet guardian worry, a heavy list of things to do including work that I've brought home and need to send to the bookkeepers by 8 a.m. and weeding.

This is not an auspicious start for a blog! Cassandra, the store assistant, said, "Blogging killed journals." It seems that most of my new journals begin at some low point when I realize that writing is what makes me feel better.

Okay, I've had my whine of the day and now I need to go to the garden. Maybe things will look up when I've filled the yard debris bins. By the way, we have new ones in Portland. And uber-big recycling bins as well.
And it's being promoted by my favorite Blazer, Channing Frye!

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