Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sleepy Thursday Afternoon

I keep looking at my calendar to be certain that I'm not spacing on anything. Due dates for applications, appointments for my mom - physical therapy today - and the dance classes twice a week are keeping me busy. Then there is all the stuff that doesn't make the calendar: gardening, cleaning out the extra bedroom for the visiting Tim, etc.

So today I'm sitting in my living room trying to think about nothing. Just being sleepy and enjoying it.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Babs, just discovered your fine blog.

I know what you mean about it being easier to write an online diary knowing that no one reads it -- except sometimes they do. I've run into the same thing.

Looks like you've had some difficult changes this year, but sometimes good can come from bad. Hang in there.

Best wishes with the job hunt.