Friday, January 9, 2009

on having a blog which doesn't get ink

It has been a number of months since I last wrote on the blog. The idea of a blog, for me, is to keep a written journal of the coming and goings of my life as well as a self-directed therapy.

When life gets big, it can be difficult to stop to write about it. So here are some notes with in no order (significance):

- Blazers are having a better season without me keeping them constantly in my thoughts
- My favorite Shannon just found out that her cancer has struck her brain and spine
- Mom is trying to be a good sport about moving into the assisted living house
- Bingo really is a good occupational therapy for me
- I don't have to go to a meeting on a Saturday morning regardless of the engaging topic
- I can still enjoy mis-texting (consort instead of compost)
- I really need a vacation. Although I am not working.
- My favorite late night conversations are with Christine (traveling across LA or CA) and Kristin (instant messaging before she goes to sleep)

Being that I have a list, I can now start fleshing out the topics.

If you are a reader of this blog, don't hesitate to remind me that I need to write.

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